22nd Tuesday, December 2020
7:00 pm
*2 weeks archived
2,500yen, 3,000yen(including 500yen support), 3,500yen(including 1,000yen support), 4,000yen(including 1,500yen support), 4,500yen(including 2,000yen support), 5,000yen(including 2,500yen support)
*All prices are included tax. You can buy only one ticket.(No make additional purchases)
Eri Uenoyama(pf), Natsuki Kido(g), Jiro Okada(b)、Yoichiro Yamauchi(ds)
Roppongi C*LAPS(B1 Aoba-Roppongi building, 3-16-33 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo)
*You can watch the show on PC, tablet and smartphone.
*Please check there is enough signal. If you get any troubles, try reloading.
*The video is making by fixed cameras.
*There is a potential for stopping the show by some troubles.
*Please don't record or take pictures the show by camera and smartphone.
*All rights reserved.